Workout #3

Duration: 5 mins

We've designed this one to give you time and space to tune in to yours and others' feelings.

You can do this alone or in a team.

Get started

Before you get started:

How to do the exercises:

Grab some paper and a pen. You can do this alone, or in a team workshop setting.

Let's go

1. The rollercoaster check in

Appreciate how others are feeling today.


On some paper or a whiteboard, draw out a wavy line and include highs, lows and loops.

Ask ‘Where do I see myself today?‘ Each person should a few moments thinking where they would put themselves on the rollercoaster today and why.

Each shares their position and why with the group. Plot each person on the rollercoaster drawing.

Talk about any thoughts or feelings that come out of the map.


2. Feeling understood.

This works best when reflecting back on a workshop, day or the past week:

I felt understood when…

Note down your answer and share it with the group.


3. Empowerment

This works best when reflecting back on a workshop, day or the past week:

I felt empowered when…

Note down your thoughts. Share it back with the team.


4. Connection

This works best when reflecting back on a workshop, day or the past week:

I felt connected to others when…

Note down your thoughts. Share it back with the team when you’re ready.


Well done!

We hope you enjoyed the workout and found it useful.

Please feel free to share it with anyone you know who might like it too.

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