Celebrating Brixton Station Road & the Rec.

What is Brix Mag?

Brix Mag – Issue 1

Want more Brix Mag? Give your feedback

The first issue is a pilot and we’d love to hear what you think about it.

Should there be future issues? Is it a good way to explore the revitalisation project and learn more about your community?

Take the 1 minute feedback survey.

Add your voice

Make sure your voice is part of the project.

Share your views, perceptions and local insight. All information will be used to further understand the impact of the Revitalising of the Brixton Rec Quarter project.


Tell us about a local Brixton Group


Do the Brixton Station Road safety survey


Show appreciation for a local business or trader

Get involved

Want to take part in future issues?

From writing, and illustration to photography and design – we’d love to hear from you.

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